Veracity Software

Hospital and Health System Provider Claims Denial Audit Management Software and Service Solutions
0 %
of denied claims are recoverable
0 %
of denied claims are preventable

Veracity InSight – Payer Reporting, Appeal Statuses and Denial/Audit Data Visualization at Your Fingertips

Veracity’s intuitive payer denial/audit/appeal visualizations feed you and your team actionable steps to improve workflow performance and identify payer or internal behaviors leading to increasing denials and audits. Keep on top of Work Productivity, Payer Audit Results, Coding Reviews, Denied Dollars by Payer, Physician and Department, Payer Denial Trending, and much more.


Hospital and Health System Provider Claims Denial Audit Management Software and Service Solutions
  • Codes Review Reporting
  • Trending Reports
  • Root Cause Data
  • Task Productivity
  • Dashboard Data Visualization
  • Automatic Report Scheduler
  • Data Drill-Down
Outpatient Authorization Denials by CPT Line Item tn

Detailed Analytics

PayerWatch’s Veracity software provides your teams with detailed analytics to manage all aspects of the denial, audit, and appeal process.

This absence of a recertification/authorization report (reason code 197) allows the user to select any CPT code or a list of CPT codes. In this example, high-cost drug denials are demonstrated. This report contains the capability to drill down to the detailed EOB.

PayerWatch Provider Software Solutions Veracity Report Payer Denial Appeal Trends tn

Automated Reports For Analysis

Free up time spent running daily, weekly, monthly or yearly reports by sending them automatically via a secure email.

Drill-down reports identify denial/appeal trends, specific diagnoses/procedures to help reduce claims denials and provide evidence-based reports for appeals.

PayerWatch Provider Claims Denial Audit Appeal Software Solutions Veracity Report Humana Scorecard Audit Activity

Dashboard Data Visualization

Easily assemble reports into an interactive, customizable Denial | Audit | Appeal dashboard using graphs, charts, text, images, and more.

Your teams will be able to visualize and measure key performance indicators with at-a-glance insights in as much or as little detail as you need.

PayerWatch is a dedicated healthcare provider partner that delivers an enterprise suite of technology, service, and support for denials, audits, and appeals.

Our enterprise Veracity revenue protection engine enables your internal teams with innovative tools at their fingertips. As your revenue protection and defense partner, Veracity comes with ongoing training and customer support, AppealMasters expertise, and education through our Association of Healthcare Denial & Audit Management (AHDAM) community.

We’re Passionate About Helping You Make the Payers Pay

Our high-touch customer service team is always available to help and support everything you need. PayerWatch’s staff are experts in denials, audits, and appeals who deeply understand your challenges and genuinely want to solve your denied claim and audit issues. When you work with us, you get a collaborative partner, not a vendor. Just ask our 500+ hospital clients.

Kendall Smith, MD | Chief Medical Advisor
Kendall Smith | Chief Medical Officer & Chief Physician Advisor
Dr. Kendall Smith is a Senior Fellow in Hospital Medicine (SFHM) and currently acts as Chief Physician Advisor for AppealMasters, a leading appeal educator and appeal services firm for hospitals and health systems.
Brian McGraw | Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Brian is a fierce advocate for hospitals and physicians. He consults with and educates revenue cycle and compliance leaders throughout the U.S.
Vivek Radhakrishna | President & Chief Technology Officer
Vivek has more than 22 years of experience designing/developing software and has worked across multiple domains in his professional life, including banking, telecommunication, K-12 education and Healthcare.
  • 30+ years of experience
  • Kendall Smith. MD | Chief Medical Advisor

Appeal Support Services

Supplement and aid your internal resources with PayerWatch’s AppealMasters team of denial management and appeal experts.

Professional Training & Support Provider Claims Denial, Audit & Appeal
AHDAM Webinars

Training & Support

The Association of Healthcare Denial and Appeal Management (AHDAM) provides professionals with ongoing training and resources led by subject matter experts.

Trusted Partners

PayerWatch has increased revenue for over 600 hospitals.

PayerWatch Partner: Mercy Health System
PayerWatch Partner: Christus Health
PayerWatch Partner: Valley Health System
PayerWatch Partner: Adventist Health System
PayerWatch Partner: Dignity Health

PayerWatch's industry-leading Veracity software and AppealMasters’ infrastructure is HITRUST CSF Certified.