Wendy began her career at PayerWatch as Director of Client Support & Services in 2009 following twenty five years of experience in the healthcare and managed care industries including project management, EDI knowledge and decades of leadership in relevant systems and IT service environments. Wendy is currently responsible for the technical product and quality management of IT support and product services for PayerWatch. Working with developers, she has visibility over projects at all checkpoints and maintains project deliverables to ensure success at every intersection. With more than 20 years of experience as an industry executive – with focus in system/business analysis and design, integration/regression testing and product development – Wendy effectively translates customer needs and market opportunities into successful business strategies. Wendy manages the day-to-day resolution of internal and client support requests. Prior to PayerWatch, she held a number of management positions in various healthcare companies including a Chicago-based PPO Network, a national government healthcare audit contractor, a Third Party Administrator and a healthcare software revenue recovery company. Wendy also led a development team which patented the first automated claims repricing system.