Appealing Denials for Coding of BMI, Obesity and Morbid Obesity


Appealing Denials for Coding of BMI, Obesity and Morbid Obesity from PayerWatch on Vimeo.


You know the struggles associated with coding it correctly, only to have it denied by an auditor.

We will review what the provider needs to know, and also what your nurses and dietary staff need to know to get it right on the front end. Join us while we show you, using real life examples, how to successfully appeal a denial when your staff got it right.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the coding rules concerning BMI, obesity, and morbid obesity
  2. Learn who to involve on the front end, and how to do it, to make your medical record as “bullet proof” as possible
  3. Discover successful strategies to compose winning appeals when the BMI and associated diagnosis are denied, even though you got it right